Finally Deep Clean Your Apartment Using These Tips!

Now that the holidays are over and warmer days are ahead, it's time to break out the cleaning supplies and give your home a good deep clean. Fall, winter and spring cleaning are an annual tradition for many people, and while you may already keep your living space tidy on a regular basis, there's nothing like giving everything a good scrubbing once in awhile. Some people prefer to hire professional cleaners to do the job, but if you're someone who enjoys taking care of things yourself, here are six tips to help get you started.

1. Plan Ahead

Deep cleaning can be daunting, but by planning ahead and creating a checklist, you can make the project much more manageable. Your apartment cleaning checklist should include the order of tasks, reminders for what needs to be done, purchases needed for supplies, and more. Having a plan will help you stay on track so that all of the necessary chores are completed. You should also decide if this deep cleaning will be a one-day or weekend-long job so that you can go into it with realistic expectations.


2. Tidy Up and Donate  

  Reducing the amount of clutter in your life is a great way to start feeling more relaxed. Get rid of anything you don't use by creating two piles, one for trash and another with things you can donate to charity. Not only will this help someone else, but studies show that getting rid of excess clutter can significantly reduce stress levels.


3. Get Your Cleaning Supplies    

Before you start cleaning, make sure you have everything you need. This includes changing your vacuum bags, making sure your mops are clean, and stocking up on the right solutions. If regular cleaning supplies bother your skin, get eco-friendly products instead and wear gloves. And if allergies are a problem for you when cleaning, a mask will help by filtering some dust particles in the air.


4. One Room at a Time

One way to approach deep cleaning is methodically, room by room. Although it may take more time initially, going this route has a number of benefits. Once you finish one area and see the results, it can act as encouragement to keep moving onto the rest of your home. Suddenly, every space in your house will be clean and welcoming – something that's well worth striving for!



Your kitchen multitasks as a living room, family room, and dining room. Here are some tips to spring clean this space quickly: Use sponges and paper towels to remove grease from your stovetop. Wipe away water spots and fingerprints from your fridge doors. And don't forget scheduling regular deep-cleaning tasks like washing walls will keep them looking newer for longer–plus it's therapeutic!

  • Deep clean the refrigerator.

  • Disinfect the oven and burners.

  • Scrub the counters.

  • Sanitize garbage cans.



Bathrooms are an essential area that can get quite dirty. Keep your bathroom clean and mold-free with a bleach spray. Follow these instructions for best results:

  • Remove hard water buildup from the showerhead.

  • Clean shower curtains with bleach solution.

  • Wipe counters, vanity, and shower caddy.



A tidy bedroom leads to better sleep, so be sure to:

  • Change sheets.

  • Vacuum or steam clean your mattress to combat dust mites.

  • Clean light fixtures.


Living Room  

You can use your vacuum or steam cleaner to clean your floors. If you have carpets and pets, renting a steam cleaner would be the best option so that the job is done efficiently.

  • Vacuum the floors, couch, and soft chairs.

  • Organize bookshelves.

  • Dust tables and ceiling fans.



Make sure your glass is clean so the sun can come in and brighten up every room in your home.

  • Dust blinds

  • Wash curtains

  • Use glass cleaner on the windows

  • To reduce streaks caused by direct sunlight, clean windows on an overcast day.


5. Bring a Fresh Vibe  

Add a pop of color with decorative pillows or accents, or go green with plants. If you don't know how you want your apartment to look, read up on Feng Shui to rearrange your furniture and knickknacks. Just remember that even small changes can have a big impact on how you feel in your space.


6. Make it Interesting

Cleaning doesn't have to be such a lonely and daunting task. Include the whole family! Designate different tasks depending on age group, while also playing some fun tunes in the background. If you'd rather clean by yourself, that's okay too! Send your loved ones out for the day, blast your favorite music, and get cleaning. The great feeling after completing all of your cleaning goals will make it worth it in the end.


Keep Your Apartment Beautiful at Liv Multifamily

Step into the new year with a decluttered space and organized attitude. Research has repeatedly shown that deep cleaning your living space can improve your mood and self-esteem. Taking pride in the appearance of your home leads to feeling optimistic and focused on the future. So break out the rubber gloves, crank up some music, clear out the dust and cobwebs -- get ready for brighter days ahead, both figuratively and proverbially speaking.


Check out Liv Multifamily's Arbors location for your family this year. With a unified living experience, you'll all be able to enjoy the amenities that come with it.

Lemon scented cleaning items next to a stove top.